Blogs in December 2015

When you picture a counterfeit product, the first thing that probably comes to mind is money. Criminals try to pass off counterfeit bills for the real thing so they can purchase products and disappear without a trace. But did you know electrical products can be counterfeit as well? In fact,...Continue Reading

Electrical Safety Foundation International estimates that 2,400 children each year suffer from severe electric shock or burns from sticking metal objects such as paperclips, keys or pins into electrical sockets. Six to 12 fatalities a year result from this!

Every room in your home has...Continue Reading

If you live in the United States and your home was built after the 1940s (or your outdated wiring has since been updated), you can expect the electrical wires behind your walls to follow certain color standards. Specific colors identify each wire’s function in a circuit. Learning these...Continue Reading

If you’re a fan of Christmas trees and holiday lights, you probably marvel at the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree every year. This global holiday symbol shines brightly for all to see in the middle of New York City every December. The tree – usually a Norway spruce standing between 69 and 100...Continue Reading

You only have holiday lights up for a few weeks out of the year, but it’s worth the effort to see them light up the night! Unfortunately, strings of holiday lights have the potential to cause electrocution or start a fire if not installed correctly. Use this guide to help you pick the proper...Continue Reading