Mr. Electric Blog | Page 9

Electrical outlets are fastened to outlet boxes, which in turn are attached to the drywall or a wall stud. Over time, the outlet box can come loose from the material it was once anchored to. If you have ever pulled a cord out of an outlet and it felt like the whole outlet was going to come out...Continue Reading

No one wants to be shocked by a staggering electric bill balance. However, utility rates are increasing almost every year, and the average family’s...Continue Reading

Light switches are easy to take for granted. They get used thousands of times over the years, until one day they start to fail and need to be replaced. Some signs of a bad light switch are clear. For instance, if there is an audible snap, crackle, or pop when you flip the switch, it’s pretty...Continue Reading

It’s the age of technology, and you can never have too many outlets to support all your family’s devices. But sometimes it is hard to find the space for outlets, and power strips are not exactly the décor people like to have all over the house.

Looking for a clever way to add or install...Continue Reading

Looking to light up the night with the addition of some lights in your yard? Whether you want to add some ambiance to your backyard party or light up a pathway, solar lights are a great, economical option.

Choosing the right solar light depends on a few factors. First, you need to choose...Continue Reading

Last updated: 9/12/2023

When you are busy cooking your favorite meal, you probably don’t think about how much electricity you are using… but maybe you should. Investing in an...Continue Reading

Is there a buzzing sound in your wall that’s driving you nuts? This is not a normal situation. The vibrating noise could be a sign of problems with your electrical wiring, switches, or outlets and requires immediate attention.

If you are concerned for your safety due to...Continue Reading

Light bulbs always seem to blow at the most inopportune moments. You’re sitting in a room, perhaps relaxing after a long day, and suddenly the lights go out. Burned out light bulbs are an annoying inconvenience, but they usually have a simple fix. Exploding light bulbs can indicate a more...Continue Reading

Last updated: 9/13/2023

In most parts of the United States, ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets have been required in bathrooms since 1975. So if you’re thinking of having a new bathroom installed or remodeling an existing one, it’s worth being able to answer the question:...Continue Reading

Last updated: 9/12/2023

Investing in an electric vehicle (EV) is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and have a positive impact on the environment. But you might be wondering about electric car charging at home. Can you charge your car fast enough at home to make sure you can...Continue Reading