Mr. Electric Blog | Page 4

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the average American family spends at least $2,200 on home utility bills every year. That's $183 per month....Continue Reading

If you have an electric outlet not working but the breaker is not tripped, your options are limited if you’re not an electrician. The first and only thing you should do after checking the breaker is to make sure the...Continue Reading

Finding the right outdoor lighting for your porch can be a challenge. With so many different options to choose from - including various styles and colors – how do you decide? Whether it’s creating a warm, inviting atmosphere for family, friends, and visitors, or creating a specific look and feel...Continue Reading

There are few things more inconvenient or dangerous than a winter power outage. Not only are you unable to go about your days like normal, but you’re also in danger of freezing if you don’t have a backup heat source. Unfortunately, a winter power outage survival kit isn’t going to keep you and...Continue Reading

Whether you’re an electrician or a handy homeowner, multimeters are excellent tools to keep on hand. However, they can be difficult to use unless you’ve had some training and know what you’re doing. In this article, we’ll look at how to test for both AC and DC voltage using a multimeter. Even...Continue Reading

When it comes to choosing and setting up outdoor lighting, you have a lot of options. However, depending on how and where you want to use your outdoor lights, there may be some distinct advantage to choosing one type of light over another. In this article we’ll take a closer look at one of the...Continue Reading

Working with electricity can be scary and intimidating if you don’t have any previous electrical experience. There may be times when you’re experiencing electrical problems with an outlet or light fixture and you need to test for electrical current. While using an electrical tester might sound...Continue Reading

Just like with your indoor space, creating a comfortable outdoor living area requires some thought and planning to make the space your own. If you’re redesigning an outdoor patio area, picking out some cozy furnishing and a few fluffy pillows is a great start, but what about the lighting?...Continue Reading

As the homeowner of an aging home, you may be concerned about what you might find in an electrical inspection. Sometimes the resulting work is extensive, but the benefits are well worth it. Making sure the electrical system is up to date ensures that your family and home are safe from potential...Continue Reading

Between the 1960s and mid-1970s, home builders decided to save money by exchanging the more expensive copper wiring for aluminum wiring. Both metals conduct electricity, so what’s the concern? What’s wrong with aluminum wiring?

Well, the practice was discontinued in the 1970s due to...Continue Reading